Why you need to own your space
I was visiting some friends and they introduced me to their new cat. My friend explained that even though this new family member has her own bed, toys and special scratching post, she still scratches the couch! This smart cat has decided that since she sleeps on the couch, it is her personal territory and […]
7 key tips to build a powerful network and grow your business
Building relationships should be at the center of every business, people do business with people! There is one big marketing strategy that sometimes gets a little bit of a bad reputation – networking. Even experienced solo entrepreneurs and business owners can get anxious about talking to strangers about their products or services. We worry about […]
How to set yourself up as the go-to expert in your field
Setting yourself up as the go-to expert in your field does not happen overnight. You are going to have to take time and do the work to build your reputation effectively. However, if you are strategic and intentional in your approach, you can get there without wasting time and energy trying things that just will […]
The seven types of research you need to find your ideal clients
I have noticed so many solo entrepreneurs skip an important step when they are starting their business. It is not that complicated but perhaps it’s not the fun part of developing a business or they think it will take too much time and money. I’m talking about market research. And believe me, skipping your research […]
Where to draw the line on what you offer for free
As entrepreneurs, we all want to build positive relationships and generate leads that will help us grow our business. But when it is OK to offer your products or services for free? How can you refuse to do something for free and still provide value for a potential customer? These are questions that come up […]
The three things you can control to convert prospects into customers
So many solo entrepreneurs struggle when it comes to selling. Sales makes us uncomfortable and we think that selling is slimy. We have big misconceptions about sales that can get in the way of turning all our hard work, planning and strategy into revenue! In this week’s blog, I’m sharing a big secret about sales […]
The key to attracting clients – consistency
You’ve built strong foundations for your business. You’ve got clarity about your business foundations and your marketing strategies. You’ve found your zone of genius. Now you need to find a way to attract clients and generate regular revenue. The key to doing this is consistency. In this blog, I am going to give you insights […]
How to turn business uncertainties into clarity and success
If you have ambitious goals for this year or you’re trying to find a solution to a challenge in your business, you need to start with getting clarity about your business foundations. In this latest blog, I explain what areas you need to be clear about to be able to grow your business, even when […]
My four-step plan to planning and achieving your business goals
If you are serious about growing your business, increasing your revenue and gaining new clients, you need to make time to reflect on your business journey and set goals for the future. In this blog, I set out my four-step plan to help you intentionally reflect on your business journey, set ambitious goals for the […]
Four areas where entrepreneurs need to build community
Being a solopreneur does not mean that you have to go it alone. We all need to build a Board of Directors, a community or even an army to help us thrive. Having the right people around you, and access to the right expertise, can make the difference between you and your business thriving or […]