Make your recession-proof business – Part 3: Super Serve!
Crisis or not, you need to show up for your clients and your community in meaningful and valuable ways. But during a recession, this is even more important. It will help you keep your business alive, and if you are strategic, helping it to grow! You need to get ready to super-serve your people! This […]
How to create your recession-proof business now! – Part 2: Pivot
Going through a crisis can be an opportunity to do things you might have never thought of doing before! In fact, as we face the recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is critical to think of making the necessary changes and pivoting! In the first part of this three-part series, we first looked at […]
Make your business recession-proof – Part 1: Assess
I am writing this as the current COVID-19 crisis is having a huge impact on businesses around the world. Some are struggling, while others are nervous and unsure about what to do next. While these are challenging times, it is not the time to give up. Over the last few weeks, I have been sharing […]
Three reasons to keep focusing on your business in a crisis
Are you hesitating to promote your products or reach out to clients due to the financial uncertainty in the world right now? I am writing this as we face the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, including global recession. It is a very strange time for all of us, and it is affecting so many people […]
How to rise to the challenges of a global crisis
I am writing this in a time when we are facing an unprecedented crisis in the world I was a little hesitant to discuss this at a time when we don’t even know how this will unfold. However, I think we need to talk about how we cope and respond to what is happening as […]
What to focus on when you’re planning your next move
It is so common for expat partners to experience exhaustion, loss of identity or even depression if they keep starting their lives over again and again with every move. We need to change the way we think about planning for these moves. So many expats and organizations spend more energy on planning the logistical aspects […]
Stop worrying about the competition – do this instead
Do you find yourself worrying about your competition? What are you afraid of? Are you concerned that they might copy you? Or that they might think you are copying them? Perhaps you are worried that they will take your clients or grow faster than you. Maybe your competition makes you doubt your own abilities and […]
Three phases to consume free content effectively & grow your business
There is so much great, free content on starting and running a business today. You can learn almost anything online. But, how do you make sure that you are not wasting time and energy on just reading and listening while taking advantage of the information that’s out there? And when there is so much of […]
How to know if your business is truly portable
There has never been a better time to start and build a successful portable business! But there are some things you need to know to evaluate whether your business is truly location independent and if it’s not, then what to do about it. This is going to be a very practical guide to really understanding […]
Are you making yourself a priority?
How many times have you set goals for your business and ended up frustrated and disappointed that you didn’t achieve them? It is so easy to get caught up in the demands of our globally mobile lives, our families and everything else around us. When we do that, we often fail to invest in ourselves. […]