Tip #3 to kick off your portable plan.

Now that we have seen how to use the ressources around you but also how to capitalize on your unique talents to build your portable plan, you will need to start somewhere to make your plans happen.
Here is the third tip to build your portable plan!
Don't wait for the perfect moment,
take the moment and make it perfect!
3. Don't be afraid to take the leap!
However, here is some concrete tips that I would like to share with you to help you take the leap:
- Identify the source

- Don't make excuses
- Start with baby steps
You should not stop yourself from having big dreams, but in order to achieve big goals the best way is to break them into small achievable objectives. Also, make sure to visualize these objectives, track them and evaluate them (For example, have a timeline on your wall). If you do not reach certain objectives, don't give up right there! Ask yourself what has stopped you and what can you improve or implement to facilitate the process.
Take action now!
- Stop listening to the negative voices in your head that make you doubt about yourself.
- Ask yourself what is the smallest action you can take right now to move one step closer to your goal.
- Hold yourself accountable! For that, nothing better than sharing your objectives and plans with people who can encourage you. Share them here in our Facebook group!
Get some inspiration!

Podcast interview with Bérengère Ferrier who quit her promising career to join her husband abroad and launched her own marketing agency. She shares with you what has helped her to take the leap and build a successful business starting from nothing.
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