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Business Idea Accelerator – Terms and Conditions

**This agreement addresses our work together during the program Business Idea Accelerator**

Program Agreement

We are looking forward to working together! The purpose of this Program Agreement (“Agreement”) is to provide the context for our work together during the “Business Idea Accelerator” Program with DERRAGUI LLC and Sundae Schneider-Bean LLC and to set forth the terms and conditions (in the section “Terms and Conditions”) so that we are clear on our respective roles, how communication will take place, the terms and logistics of the program and that our time will be positive and productive.

This Agreement is being made between Sundae Schneider-Bean LLC (“Coach”), DERRAGUI LLC (“Coach”) and the individual who purchases Business Idea Accelerator (“Client”). We agree to the following:

Our Agreement

I (the Client) am committed to creating a learning and coaching alliance with Sundae Schneider-Bean and Amel Derragui (the Coaches) that will support me as I clarify and realize my goals. I understand that this program or the individualized input or coaching given is not therapy, counseling or consulting; rather it is an alliance designed to forward and enhance the learning process. Coaching, specifically, involves the end goal of addressing one’s specific challenges. Consulting involves sharing of best practices based on proven results.

I agree to:

  • Come prepared for each session
  • Speak openly about any blocks, challenges, action items, needs or other aspects of the Program promptly if a concern arises so that we can address it
  • Commit to taking action and implement the steps assigned during the sessions
  • Speak directly and promptly to the Coach if I am not satisfied
  • Adhere to the Terms and Conditions (below)

A Word from Your Coaches

The Importance of “Doing the Work”

The Program has been carefully designed to bring you further in finding a business idea that is viable and suits your life. You will, however, not see results if you do not do the assignments or put in time and effort. Put in the effort for optimal results.

Terms and Conditions

For the following Terms and Conditions, “I”, “me”, “us”, “we”, “the Coach”, “the Coaches” refers to the service providers: Sundae Schneider-Bean (as Coach) in representation of Sundae Schneider-Bean LLC, Amel Derragui (as coach) in representation of DERRAGUI LLC. “You” or “the Client” refers to the individual requesting services listed in the agreement. The “Party” may refer to either the Coach or the Client, and “the Parties” refers to both the Coaches and the Client.

Program Description

The Business Idea Accelerator Program (“Program”) is an 11-Module program that will include:

Eleven (one hour to 90 minutes) Learning Sessions via Zoom (or other communicated online medium) starting April 2018 and completed by 30 August 2018 during which the participants will learn new material, ask questions and receive one or more action items/assignments to work on for the week. These Learning Sessions are typically once a week, with breaks during the holiday season.

Included in the program are critical milestones, special assignments and just-in-time references to keep the participants moving forward.

Cancellation or Rescheduling: Should the Coach/Coaches have to cancel a Learning Session due to illness or an emergency, the session will also be rescheduled as soon as possible.

Investment and Payment

Payment: The total investment for this four-month Program is USD 997. Those purchasing on 12 April are eligible for a special rate of USD 850. The enrollment deadline is April 19th. Your enrollment is only confirmed after you have paid in full; You will receive a written confirmation for your payment via e-mail.

Authorization and Receipt: By accepting the Agreement, you agree to promptly pay the automatic invoices sent (via the online system Satori or PayPal).

Refunds: We want you to be happy with the Program. Keeping in regular contact about your progress and concerns is one important way to do that. We will, however, have invested considerable time and effort in you, and declined others this opportunity. If you stop participating or decide to terminate your participation at any time, you still will remain fully responsible for the full cost of the Program, and no refund will be provided. If you’ve done the work and honestly feel you didn’t get value from the experience, submit your complete coursework within 30 days of your purchase and we’ll promptly issue a refund. To be clear, if you have not submitted evidence of complete coursework within the 30 day period, no refund will be issued.


We will keep all information exchanged during the Program confidential. Any discussion of personal information, future plans, goals, job and company information will remain confidential, except where required by law or agreed between the Coach and Client. The Client agrees that certain topics mentioned may be anonymously and hypothetically shared for training or illustrative purposes.

Intellectual Property Rights

Sundae Schneider-Bean LLC and Derragui LLC retain all ownership rights to all Program materials shown or provided to you through your participation in the Program. Any copyrighted and original materials shall be provided to you for your individual use only and with a single-user license. You agree that you are not authorized to share, copy, distribute or otherwise disseminate any materials received in connection with the Program electronically or otherwise without the prior written consent of Sundae Schneider-Bean LLC and Derragui LLC. All intellectual property, including the copyrighted Program materials, shall remain the sole property of Sundae Schneider-Bean LLC and Derragui LLC and no license to sell or distribute the materials is granted or implied. You agree that you are forbidden from reproducing, duplicating, copying, selling, trading, reselling or exploiting for any commercial or personal purposes, any portion of the Program, including any of the Program materials.

Personal Responsibility, Disclaimer & Release of Claims

Personal Responsibility & Assumption of Risk: As a Client, you acknowledge your understanding and agreement that you are fully responsible for your physical, mental and emotional well-being during the program. As a Client, you also understand that this is a comprehensive process that may involve all areas of your life, including work, finances, health, relationships, education and recreation. You acknowledge that deciding how to handle these issues, incorporate coaching and learning into those areas, and implement your choices is exclusively the Client´s responsibility. You accept full responsibility for your choices, actions and results, and expressly assume the risks of the Program for your use, or non-use, of the information provided by us to you. You also understand that you are expressly assuming all of the risks of the Program, whether or not such risks were created or exacerbated by the Program.

By signing this Agreement, you agree that you, to the fullest extent allowed by law, will not hold the Coaches or any of the Coaches’ employees, directors, consultants, agents or anyone else affiliated with the Coaches or Sundae Schneider-Bean LLC, or Derragui LLC, liable for any damages you may incur through your participation in the Program or otherwise in connection to the Program. This release from liability includes direct, indirect or consequential damages as well as lost profit.

Other Important Terms

Entire Agreement, Assignment, Survivability and Waiver: This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Coaches and the Client and replaces any prior oral or written agreement. You may not assign your rights or obligations under this Agreement to anyone else. In the event that any part of this Agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any of the remaining portions of the Agreement which shall be severed and remain in full force. The failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of the right to later enforce and compel strict compliance with every part of this Agreement.

Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Switzerland.

By accepting this Agreement, the Client and Coaches both acknowledge that they have read, understand, agree to and accept all of the terms in this Agreement. Acceptance of the Agreement is understood by payment in full or the deposit and commitment to a payment option has been made.